Privacy Policy – Gruppo Ivas

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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

IVAS GROUP welcomes you!

In compliance with the Privacy Policy, including Regulation (EU) No. 2016/679 ("GDPR"), this policy describes the use that IVAS or ALIVA makes of the generated data, with whom they can be shared and your rights as a data subject. Click on the information of your interest:

Personal data processing policy pursuant to articles 13-14 of EU reg. 2016/679

Data Subjects: Job Candidates.

IVAS INDUSTRIA VERNICI S.P.A. in its capacity as Data Controller, pursuant to and for the purposes of EU Regulation 2016/679 (hereinafter referred to as 'GDPR'), hereby informs you that the aforementioned legislation envisages the protection of data subjects with regard to the processing of personal data and that such processing shall be based on principles of correctness, lawfulness, transparency and protection of your privacy and rights.

Your personal data will be processed in accordance with the legislative provisions of the above-mentioned legislation and the confidentiality obligations provided for therein.

For the purposes of this processing, the Controller may become aware of particular categories of personal data, such as: membership of political parties or trade unions, philosophical or other beliefs, religious beliefs, political opinions, racial or ethnic origin, state of health, sexual orientation. The processing of personal data for these particular categories is carried out in compliance with art. 9 of the GDPR.

For the purposes of this processing, the Controller may become aware of personal data relating to criminal sentences or crimes pursuant to article 10 of the GDPR, such as information concerning legal proceedings.

Your personal data may also, with your consent, be used for the following purposes:
  • communication of personal data (common and particular) to the company ALIVA S.R.L. (VAT: 04578750400) for recruitment of job candidates.
  • establishment of an employment relationship.
The provision of data is optional for you with regard to the aforementioned purposes, and any refusal to process it does not compromise the continuation of the relationship or the adequacy of the treatment itself.

Processing methods. Your personal data may be processed in the following ways:

  • computerised or telematic data collection;
  • processing through electronic databases or software systems managed or programmed directly;
  • manual processing by means of hardcopy files.

Every process takes place in accordance with the procedures set out in articles 6 and 32 of the GDPR and through the implementation of the appropriate security measures envisaged.

Your data will be processed only by personnel expressly authorised by the Controller and, in particular, by the following categories of employees:

  • within the scope of personnel management;
  • reception.

Disclosure: Your personal data will not be disclosed in any way.

Data storage period. Please note that, in accordance with the principles of lawfulness, purpose limitation and data minimisation, pursuant to art. 5 of the GDPR, the storage period applicable to your personal data is:

  • established for a period of time not exceeding the achievement of the purposes for which they are collected and processed for the implementation and fulfilment of contractual purposes;
  • established for a maximum of 24 months.

Controller: the Data Controller, in compliance with the Law, is IVAS INDUSTRIA VERNICI S.P.A. (Via Bellaria, 40 , 47030 San Mauro Pascoli (FC); email:; telephone: +390541815811; VAT no.: 00124120403) in the person of its legal representative pro tempore.

You have the right to obtain from the controller the cancellation (right to be forgotten), limitation, updating, rectification, portability, opposition to the processing of personal data concerning you, and you can, in general, exercise all the rights envisaged by Articles. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 of the GDPR.

EU Reg. 2016/679: Articles 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 - Data subject rights

  1. The data subject has the right to obtain confirmation of the existence or otherwise of personal data concerning him or her, even if not yet recorded, and their communication in intelligible form, and may also complain to the Supervisory Authority.
  2. The party concerned has the right to obtain details about:
    • the origin of the personal data;
    • the purposes and methods of processing;
    • the he logic applied in the case of processing carried out with the help of electronic instruments;
    • the identity of the data controller, data processors and the representative designated in accordance with article 5, paragraph 2;
    • the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the personal data may be communicated or who may learn about them as representatives designated in the territory of the State, processors or appointed persons.
  3. The party concerned has the right to:
    • the update, rectification or, where pertinent, the integration of the data;
    • the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blockage of data processed unlawfully, including data whose retention is unnecessary for the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed;
    • certification to the effect that the operations indicated under letters a) and b) have been notified, along with their contents, to the entities to whom or which the data have been communicated or disclosed, unless this requirement proves impossible or involves a manifestly disproportionate effort in relation to the right that is to be protected;
    • data portability.
  4. The Party concerned has the right to object to, either entirely or partly:
    • for legitimate reasons, to the processing of personal data concerning him/her, even if pertinent to the purpose of collection;
    • the processing of personal data concerning him/her for the purpose of sending advertising materials, direct selling or the performance of market research or commercial communication surveys.
img Ivas Industria Vernici Spa
  • Via Bellaria, 40
  • 47030 San Mauro Pascoli (FC) - Italia
  • ph. +39 0541 815811
  • fax +39 0541 815815
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